The National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), an office of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
has been responsible for the collection of motor vehicle crash data and
for providing a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community at large for over 45 years.
This application allows a user to generate univariate tables for each data element coded in the following motor vehicle crash data systems:
for providing a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community at large for over 45 years.
This application allows a user to generate univariate tables for each data element coded in the following motor vehicle crash data systems:
- Fatality analysis Reporting System (FARS) - Census of motor vehicle crashes involving at least one fatality. Year available 2016-2022
- Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS) - Sample of all motor vehicle crashes. Provides national level overview of all types of motor vehicle crashes. Years available 2016-2022
- Crash Investigation Sampling System (CISS) - Sample of special subset of all motor vehicle crashes. Provides national level in depth analysis of motor vehicle crashes. Years available 2017-2023
- Medium-Truck Special Study (MTSS) - Sample of special subset of all motor vehicle crashes. Provides national level in depth analysis of Medium-Truck involved motor vehicle crashes. Years available 2020

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