Release Notes - Fatality and Injury Reporting System Tool (FIRST)
Version 8.2 released on 2/6/2025
- Implemented latest security remediation fixes.
- Performed code clean up.
Version 8.1 released on 11/5/2024
- Implemented latest security remediation fixes.
- Implemented blocking the FIRST website for certain outdated browser versions.
Version 8.0 released on 10/9/2024
- Updated some of the application plug-in packages to the latest version.
- Implemented Application logging.
Version 7.6 released on 9/4/2024
- Implemented latest security remediation fixes.
- Fixed a number of GUI display issues.
Version 7.5 released on 7/23/2024
- Implemented latest security remediation fixes.
- Improved site stylesheets.
- Added Sample Queries #615, #705 for Striking vehicle to Pedestrians and Pedalcyclists. Total sample query is 124 now.
- Updated the Data Elements list in User Guide table and data element list page on the website.
- Added another informative message under Select State or Region Panel.
Version 7.4 released on 6/5/2024
- Implemented latest security remediation fixes.
Version 7.3 released on 5/23/2024
- Updated the feel and look of the header section and removed the NHTSA footer section.
Version 7.2 released on 4/1/2024
- Added FARS and CRSS 2022 data.
- Updated VPIC Make, Model, Body Class data with FARS 2021 data.
Version 7.1 released on 2/29/2024
- Updated some of the application plug-in packages to the latest version.
- Implemented security remediation fixes.
Version 7.0 released on 1/24/2024
- Vehicle Body Type 2020 CRSS Data Adjustment: Beginning with data collection for year 2020, the methodology for classifying Vehicle Body Type was modified and is now based on the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). The updated classifications have now been applied to CRSS 2020 and the data has been updated. Therefore, any reports generated involving the CRSS Body Class should be rerun for accuracy. Please rerun those reports and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
- Updated some of the application plug-in packages to the latest version.
- Updated the Online Help File.
- Implemented security remediation fixes.
Version 6.0 released on 11/15/2023
- Upgraded reporting subsystem to cloud and Web Server to the latest version.
- Trapped reporting engine down to display a message when the reports are not available.
- Removed the informative messages when Region is clicked in State or Region panel.
- Added sample query count to each Topic in the instructions of "Sample Queries" section.
- Added (BYR) and (FYS) in panel headings.
- Updated the feel and look of the Submit, Save, Retrieve, Reset section.
Version 5.6 released on 5/19/2023
- Added an information message for Striking Vehicle Model in Vehicles, Pedestrians and Pedalcyclists topics when User selects/drags Vehicle Model into Rows or Columns in “Build Your Report” panel that the User needs to (a) Add a vehicle “Make” under “Filter Your Selection” panel, OR (b) Add “Vehicle Make” to Rows or Columns to your reports.
- Updated Striking Vehicle Speed Limit in Filter Your Selection range.
Added the following new Data Elements and Attributes using the coding manual”: To view the list of all Data Elements click here.
Area of Impact – Damaged Areas (since 2012)
Driver Distracted By (since 2010)
Impairment at Time of Crash Driver (since 2010)
Driver Maneuvered to Avoid (since 2010)
Non Motorist Action/Circumstances (since 2010)
Contributing Circumstances (since 2010)
Non Motorist Distracted By (since 2010)
Impairment at Time of Crash (since 2010)
Violations Charged (since 2010)
Driver’s Vision Obscured By (since 2010)
Hit and Run
Involving A Hit And Run
Version 5.5 released on 4/3/2023
- Added Crash Related Data Elements and Attributes (CRASHRF_A, VEHICLERF_A, DRIVERRF_A, PERSONRF_A)
- Updated application plug-in packages to the latest version.
- Added validation for Death Date (Year).
- Added the following Data Elements. To view the list of all Data Elements click here.
Striking Vehicle Body Type
Striking Vehicle Driver Sex
Striking Vehicle Driver Age
Striking Vehicle Driver Race and Hispanic
Striking Vehicle Driver Race
Striking Vehicle Driver Hispanic Origin
Striking Vehicle Speed
Striking Vehicle Driver Speed Limit
Striking Vehicle Model Year
Striking Vehicle Make
Striking Vehicle Model
Striking Vehicle Body Class
Striking Vehicle Hit and Run
Vehicle Configuration
Vehcile Trailing
Driver Travel Speed
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
Updated VPIC Make, Model, Body Class data with FARS 2021 data.
Version 5.4 released on 11/17/2022
- Changed Search on site header to search FIRST content only.
- Changed "REPORT A SAFTEY PROBLEM" link in header to "REPORT NCSA PROBLEM".
- Added the following Data Elements. To view the list of all Data Elements click here.
Pre-Event Movement
(since 2010)
Pre-crash Critical Event
Attempted Avoidance
Pre-Impact Location
Power Unit Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating (since 2020)
Fatalities in Vehicle
- Updated some of the Data Elements and Data Attributes names to refelct their availability dates.
Version 5.3 released on 9/21/2022
- Updated Data Elements and Data Attributes names containing (YYYY+) to (since YYYY).
- Added capability to provide invalid query warning message for queries saved before release 5.3 or more than a year ago. Added Created Date to saved queries.
- Made cosmetic changes in Filter Your Selection (FYS) search panel display and Current Criteria section style.
- Added two new sample queries to Vehicles and one to Drivers. Total sample query is 122 now.
Version 5.2 released on 8/3/2022
- Removed "Getting Started and What's New" section.
- Added Search capability for Data Elements in “Filter Your Selection” panel.
- Added a new Metric Type unders Occupants, Drivers, Pedestrians, and Pedalcyclist topics for: Injured in All Crashes after the Killed Metric Type.
- Automated the Version #, Version Date, site splash and banner messages on the headers from Admin Application Settings.
- Improved part of the application load time.
- Special Use Data Element to GES/CRSS injury related reports.
Version 5.1 released on 3/2/2022
- Added FARS and CRSS 2020 crash data and updated the Sample Queries to refelect the latest year.
- Updated vPIC Make, Model, and Body Class data.
Version 5.0 released on 12/23/2021
- Added the lack of IE support information, release notes, and contacting NCSA support text popup during load of the site.
- Added Clear Search (X) icon for search textboxes in Sample Queries section and Build Your Reports panel.
- Updated the application plugins to the latest version.
Version 4.0 released on 9/2/2021
Added the following features to the map:
- Mapping of the data has been added to all other topics except for: People, Drivers, and Occupants
- Additional layers (Streets, Hybrid, Gray, or OSM) for viewing maps
- Zip code boundaries
- Ability to create Univariate graphs by drawing a polygon on the areas of interest on the map
- Clicking on an Crash location provides Crash level and Vehicle level information
Added additional tables under "Filter Your Selection" panel.
- Crash: General Characteristics, Crash: Crash and Roadway Characteristics, Crash: Specific Scenario/Event, Crash: EMS Times
- Vehicle: Driver Characteristics, Vehicle: Roadway Characteristics (Specific to Vehicle), Vehicle: Vehicle Characteristics/Event, Vehicle: Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) (2007+)
- Person: Person Characteristics, Person: Non-Occupant Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT) (2014+), Person: Non-Occupant Crash Safety Equipment (2017+)
- Added "Open All Tables" and "Close All Tables" icon to "Filter Your Selection" panel.
- Added "Open All Tables" and "Close All Tables" icon to "Filter Your Selection" panel.
Added the following additional data elements.
Initial Direction of Travel
Bus Use
Cargo Body
Type (2010+)
Crash Group
– Bicycle
Crash Group –
Location – Bicycle
Location – Pedestrian
Crash Type –
Crash Type –
Use (2014+)
Extent of
Damage (2010+)
Number (2008+)
Identification Number
Release from the Cargo Compartment
License: CDL
Compliance with CDL Endorsements
Compliance with Class of Vehicle
Non-CDL Status
Non-CDL Type
Crosswalk Present
Motorist Initial
Direction of Travel
Highway System
Helmet Use
Use of Lighting
Use of Other Preventive Safety Equipment
Use of Other Protective Safety Equipment
Use of Protective Pads
Use of Reflective Clothing/Carried Item
Initial Direction of Travel
Race (OMB
Relation to
Junction - Specific Location (2010+)
Grade (2010+)
Roadway Surface
Type (2010+)
School Zone
Control Device (2010+)
Control Device Functioning (2010+)
Description (2010+)
Type of
Intersection (2010+)
Vehicle Removal
- Added "Search Data Elements" capability under the Data Elements column in "Build Your Report" Panel.
- For saving queries and sample queries retrievals, added a feature to keep the tables (Crash, Vehicle, Person, etc.) that do not have a data attribute selected in them closed.
- When clicking Save button in "Current Criteria" section, added a feature to display an alert when no data element has been selected in Rows or Columns section.
- Enhanced the Show All/Show Less functionality in "Sample Queries" section.
- Updated the Online Help File.
Version 3.3.1 released on 3/9/2021
- Automated "Getting Started" section expand and collapse when a new release is pushed to production. The section can stay open for a number of pre-defined days and then collapse after that.
- Added a button to Show All/Show Less Sample Queries.
- Added 'x' Cancel button to remove selected values in "Build Your Reports" panel Rows and Columns section.
Resolved the following issues:
- Resetting data element values to default values in Rows and Columns section in "Build Your Reports" panel when switching between State and Region selections.
- State and City data element staying in "Build Your Reports" panel when switching from State to Region selection.
- State and City data element selection being hidden in Rows or Columns section and not allowing other value to drag from Data Elements section.
- Minimize and Expand All for table under "Filter Your Selection" panel not working in IE browser.
- Added additional (42) sample queries to the "Sample Queries" section.
- Improved application error handling and messaging.
- Updated the Online Help File.
Version 3.3 released on 12/16/2020
- Added 2019 FARS and CRSS data.
- Updated FARS Vehicle Make, Model, and Body Class data.
Added slider with minimum and maximum range values under "Filter Your Selection" panel for the following data elements:
- Age
- Crash Date (Day)
- Crash Time (Hour) and Crash Time (Min)
- Death Date (Day)
- Death Time (Hour) and Death Time (Min)
- EMS Arrival Time on Scene (Hour) and EMS Arrival Time on Scene (Min)
- EMS Notification Time (Hour) and EMS Notification Time (Min)
- EMS Arrival Time at Hospital (Hour) and EMS Arrival Time at Hospital (Min)
- Speed Limit
- Updated the Online Help File.
Version 3.2 released on 9/1/2020
- Developed automatic change of Sample Queries when the annual FARS and CRSS data become available for public release.
- Incident details popup has been added to the map views.
Version 3.1 released on 8/13/2020
- Added Native American Reservations data element under Crash table.
- Added Special Use data element under Vehicle table.
- Added "Data Download" functionality to the SAS Report section for single year selection.
- Fixed New York city coding issue.
- Updated the Online Help File.
Version 3.0.1 released on 7/2/2020
- Fixed issue with State and City data element Save and Retrieve.
- Fixed time scale freezing during Retrieve when begin and end year are the same.
Version 3.0 released on 6/25/2020
Updated Sample Queries section:
- Added capability to include unlimited number of queries for each Topic.
- Displayed the count for total number of queries in the system.
- Added "Search Topic" and "Search all Topics" feature.
- Moved Vehicle Body Class from “Filter Your Selection” to “Select Vehicle Make and Model” panel.
- Added grouping of attributes within relevant Data Elements (i.e. FHE, MHE, Pre-crash Critical Event, Person Type, etc.).
- Replaced Help File link in the footer with browser compatibility disclaimer message.
- Resolved the issue with passing foreign characters to SAS.
Version 2.2 released on 5/19/2020
- Resolved random disappearance of Person and Highest BAC in “Build Your Reports” Data Elements section.
- Fixed user interface issues caused by the security vulnerability remediation implementation.
- Added State and City data element under “Build Your Reports” for tabling when one State is selected for fatal reports.
Version 2.1 released on 5/7/2020
- Added select all (Ctrl-A) for all drop downs except Cities.
- Implemented site security fixes. Changes in few icons as a result.
- Updated FARS Vehicle Make, Model, and Body Class data.
Version 2.0.1 released on 2/20/2020
Under Crash data elements:
- Added Trafficway Ownership and Trafficway Route Signing.
Under Vehicle data elements:
Added Pre-Crash Critical Event data elements:
- Pre-crash Critical Event – Vehicle Loss of Control, Pre-crash Critical Event – Vehicle Travelling, Pre-crash Critical Event – Other Vehicle in Lane, Pre-crash Critical Event – Other Vehicle Encroaching
- Pre-crash Critical Event – Pedestrian/Pedalcyclist/Other, Pre-crash Critical Event – Object or Animal, and Pre-crash Critical Event – Other
- Added Pre-Event Movement, Roadway Surface Condition, Speed Limit, Total Lanes in Roadway Lanes, and Trafficway Description.
- Fixed minor issues with interface.
Version 2.0 released on 1/29/2020
Under Crash data elements:
- Changed Time of Day (Hours) to Crash Time (Hour).
- Added EMS Notification Time (Hour) and EMS Notification Time (Min).
- Added EMS Arrival Time (Hour) and EMS Arrival Time (Min).
- Added EMS Time at Hospital (Hour) and EMS Time at Hospital (Min).
- Added Work Zone.
Under Person data elements:
- Added Death Date (Day), Death Date (Hour), Death Date (Min), Death Date (Month), Death Date (Year).
- Added Vehicle Body Class data element to Vehicle.
- Added Vehicle Make and Model panel for Vehicles, Drivers, and Occupants topics.
- Updated Cities list to include all cities.
- Condensed the user interface and SAS report look and feel.
Changes in user interface:
- Moved the Announcement section from top to right side and changed content.
- Added collapse and expand icons to the sections on the right.
- Added Home and Help file link icons to the top.
- Created release notes page linked through version and release date text at the bottom.
- Added version handling and messaging for saved queries.
Version released on 11/26/2019
- Added a new data element Time of Day (Hours).
- Submit button is disabled until all the values in Current Criteria section are loaded.
- Resolved the issue with retrieving a query which has multi-year selection.
- Improved the saved query JSON file for retrieval.
Version released on 11/12/2019
- Added new option “Persons Killed in Fatal Crashes” under “Select Fatality and/or Injury” panels applicable for People, Drivers, Occupants, Pedestrians, and Pedalcyclists topics. Disabled Person Injury Type selection for this new option and made Fatal as default selected value.
- Resolved the issue with displaying empty rows and columns in “Build Your Reports” panel when retrieving a query multiple times and changing the selections.
- Improved Read More/Read Less display in Announcement section (Removed in version 2.0).
Version released on 11/1/2019
- Added grouping for all three injury attribute values under Person Injury Type data element.
Added Read More/Read Less functionality in Announcement section (Removed in version 2.0).
Resolved the issue with retrieving a query with 3 or more data elements with radio button selections, randomly one radio button selection is not displayed for a data element upon Retrieve.
Version released on 10/21/2019
- Fixed issue with Mobile display of data element attributes.
- Resolved the issue with the “Select Time Frame” and “Build Your Reports” panels on alternate clicks not opening for the queries in Sample Queries section.
- Resolved the issue with displaying the data elements in alphabetical order in Rows and Columns in “Build Your Reports” panel and Current Criteria section.