Click here to find out how U.S. DOT is implementing the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS).
Here you will find the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) FARS and GES/CRSS query reporting tools and traffic safety publications to choose from:
Crash Data Publications (CrashStats)

CrashStats is a search engine for all the latest and legacy NCSA publications such as Traffic Safety Facts, FARS Analytic Users’ Manuals, or In-depth statistical/evaluation reports.
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about Drunk DrivingFatality and Injury Reporting System Tool (FIRST)

FIRST is a tool that lets you build custom queries of fatal/injury crashes and generate the results in the form of tables, charts or GIS maps. It also lets you export output into Excel or pdf.
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about Drunk DrivingState Traffic Safety Information (STSI)

STSI is an information portal for state or county specific data for the past 10 years for key safety metrics on belt-use, impaired driving, speeding, core performance measures through tables, charts and GIS crash location maps.
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about Drunk DrivingTraffic Safety Facts Annual Report Tables

This portal renders tables from the Traffic Safety Facts annual report. The tables can then be exported to Excel or pdf for further analysis.
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about Drunk DrivingFatal Motor Vehicle Crash Data Visualization

This data visualization portal provides interactive and user-friendly dashboards on several highway safety topics from FARS.
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about Drunk DrivingMotor Vehicle Crash Databook

The Databook application allows users to generate univariate tables for each data element coded in FARS (since 2016), CRSS (since 2016), CISS (since 2017), Medium-Truck Special Study (MTSS – only for 2020).
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about Drunk DrivingFARS Data Tables

FARS Encyclopedia includes all the information in the Traffic Safety Facts Annual Report Tables plus additional information and a finer level of detail.
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about Drunk DrivingCrash Viewer

Links to Investigation-Based viewers such as CIREN, CISS, LTCCS, NMVCCS and SCI and Record-Based viewers such as FARS, FAR API, and STSI are available here.
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about Drunk DrivingProduct Information Catalog and Vehicle Listing (vPIC)

vPIC is a consolidated platform that presents data collected within the manufacturer reported data from CFR 49 Parts 551 – 574 for use in a variety of modern tools.
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about Drunk DrivingLeading Cause of Death Reports: 2012-2022

The NHTSA Leading Causes of Death application allows a user to generate annual reports that rank all deaths in the USA by the underlying cause of death, gender, race, and age.
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about Drunk DrivingFatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS) Crash Investigation Sampling System (CISS) NCSA and Other Data Sources